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Also known as Turkish Checker. This is a puzzle game which is quite famous in the Arab world among people of different ages. 

The game is played on the squares of an 8x8 uncheckered board.

There are 16 white men and 16 black men. At start, they lie on the players 'second and third nearest ranks. 

Players move in turn. White begins. If a player has no legal move he loses the game. A man moves one square sideward or forward, provided this place is vacant. If next to a man, sideward or forwards, is a square occupied by an opponent's piece, then the man captures the piece by jumping over it to the square immediately beyond, provided this place is vacant.
If the man can proceed in a similar way in another direction, except the opposite, it must do so, taking care to capture the maximum number of pieces (regardless to their kind). Capture is compulsory. 

If a man reaches the last rank, it promotes to king and the move terminates. A king moves one or several squares, along an open line, sidewards, forwards or backwards. If a king sees, at any distance, an opponent's piece and immediately beyond one or more subsequent vacant squares, it captures by jumping the piece and landing on one of these squares. A king is subject to the same rules regarding majority capture than a man. In case of a multiple capture, the captured pieces are removed from play as soon as they are jumped over.

Available NOW for: Nokia Series 40 and Nokia Series 60 phones. Available already in Arabic and English.

For distribution/license: 



  • Change difficulty for four levels. 
  • The user can save a game while he is playing it. Then the user can resume it as if no interruption has happened. This is important for long levels and addictive players!

  • Sound effects make the game more enjoyable.


2,8: move the cursor up and down.

4,6: move the cursor left and right.

1,3,7,9: move the cursor up-left, up-right, down-left and down right.

5: Select/Deselect a piece to move, or if the user has select already a piece, then it will move the selected piece to the destination.

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Nokia Phones:


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Swap, Fruits, EagleEye, PhotoSlider. 


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