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Long Description:

The Story: 
You are the holy Executor! During tens years you participated in all sacred wars and at last validity has triumphed - Jesuits are defeated! 
It is dear home always it is pleasant... But today you have got in a bad place - the lock the Edible bird's-nest has raised an unapproachable barrier on your way home. Back ways are not present - incorrect well remember your feats and will not miss a case to revenge you. 
The only opportunity is to pass the lock through. 
Unfortunately The Forces of Evil became the inhabitant of once great fortress... Well, you not the beginner and you have everything you need to stop 
Dark Forces - Sword, Bow, Arrows and Spell Book! It is your unique opportunity to get back home. 

First repson 3D RPG-like game. You are the holy Executor and you have everything you need to stop Dark Forces - Sword, Bow, Arrows and Spell Book! 
During the game you'll increase your thief skills and find new powerfull weapon and spells! In addition you can buy and sell goods in the village...
Use you items and money them properly to pass all 6 levels!


Joystick / Arrows / 2,8,4,6 - Movement
# - map
5 - hit / action
1 - drink hp bottle
3 - drink mp bottle
left softkey - additional action
right softkey - menu



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Mobile Games Market

$1.93 Billion Mobile Games Market Will Be Dominated By Few Key Players According to Alexander Resources

The mobile games market is set to become the single largest and most important mobile entertainment application in the wireless world according to a new report: "Winning and Losing in Mobile Games" now available from Alexander Resources, a leading research, consulting and education firm specializing in wireless communications.

According to this report, worldwide revenues from mobile games are forecasted to grow from just under $500 million in 2002 to nearly $2 billion by 2006. The introduction and acceptance of the new generation of game phones will be the key factor in fueling this growth. The growth of mobile games will also help drive expansion of other new, non-voice, data oriented wireless services.

But technical and business issues will limit the lion’s share of this market to a few large game developers and game phone manufacturers. While this market is expected to attract many game phone manufacturers, significant variations in the features and capabilities of each of their game phones will make it impossible for game developers to adapt, develop and support new or existing games to each one. This problem will be further compounded by wide variations in the wireless networks that these game phones operate on, each with their own standards and data rates. The result will be a market dominated by a very few phone manufacturers who can quickly flood the market with a few attractively priced game phones that play a number of the more popular games. The popularity of their phones will also allow them to establish exclusive to semi-exclusive relationships with a few well-established game developers.

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