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Eric & The Magic Scepter

Eric & The Magic Scepter 

Long Description: 

The magic scepter is empowered with all the secrets and laws that run the universe. Odo's maniacal drive for power lures him to steal the scepter in order to understand all its powers and use them for his own wicked schemes. The King of Thyme and keeper of the magic scepter has ordered his most gallant knight Eric, to retrieve the magic scepter. Inside Odo's castle, every step is fraught with dangers: moving floors, fiery pits, crashing spikes and huge menacing guards. It is imperative that the scepter be found and returned before Odo realizes its full powers and becomes invincible. If Eric fails it would spell certain doom to Thyme and every other kingdom around!
The game has exciting levels of player interaction combining run and jump, fights and puzzles and provides realism, challenges and an intuitive game play.


Launch a new game by clicking 'New Game'.
With 7 exciting levels 'Continue' comes in handy in order to resume playing from the last completed level.
Alter phone settings: sound, illumination or silent alert from 'Settings'.
View the game's highest recorded score in - 'Highscore'.
'Help' details game play and control keys.
'About Us' gives relevant details about Softex Digital.
Click 'Quit' to return to the phone's main menu.

Controls :

Use 4 to run left, 6 to run right, 2 to jump/climb, 8 to crouch/climb down, 1 to jump left, 3 to jump right. In fight mode: 1 to shield, 2 for upper cut, 3 for jab.



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adventure Mobile games

players interested in this game are advised to look at one of the following games:



Mobile Branding, mobile advergaming

    In the last year we have seen a rapid increase of client's demands. Companies have shown an considerable interest in the mobile entertainment area in the past year. They found that it can help them generate more revenue, or better-establish their brand. 

    Clients are always searching for high quality content suitable for their brand or for their markets. They would like to use the potential of mobile phones and their ability to run games to help them push their brands . ZGroup Mobile is using its talent, resources, experience, and know how to build applications offering tremendous value which will assist our partners across industries to achieve high revenues for their investments. 

    There are another important issue that will help companies to attract users. . it's advergaming. Advergaming is already very well know on the internet. It has help many brands to establish itself, and has helped many companies get boost for their sellings. We think that advergaming for mobile games will be one of the most important .

    ZGroup Mobile successfully develops leading edge applications by focusing on each client's specific business needs, with an emphasis on the brand or the targeted audience for the application.

    Our application development services range from setting the specifications, design, development, and testing, to the implementation of application with all components needed to make it ready for the end-user. We are highly skilled at learning new, proprietary application systems and subsequently providing enhancements, support, and integration assistance. Thus we can provide you with a full solution and we can also adapt our product(s) to new situations or new technologies. 

    ZGroup Mobile has good experience in mobile programming in general and specially in J2ME . We have extensive experience in a wide variety of phone devices. Having done more than 50 different titles, makes us one of the best companies in the world for your company.

    The role which ZGroup Mobile plays in each application development project is dependent upon the client's needs. We make sure that we provide solutions/applications according to each client's need and within each client's budget. We will make sure that you will get the maximum quality in the fastest possible time. We can support projects by providing an on-site consultant to supplement the client’s staff while utilizing the client's hardware and software. We can also perform the work off-site in our office using our equipment.

    Our b points in custom development are: 

    1. Better, faster product design.

    Your investment in product design might be aimed at supporting the cycle of moving a product from idea to commercialization. For complex products, adding speed, quality and creativity can mean the difference in being first to market, creating a market rather than following others, or securing the market with a patent or copyright. 

    2. Better products.

    Improving products is about adding appealing characteristics that can attract new customers or new spending from established customers. "Better" in the mobile industry means quality graphics, appealing game-play, user-friendly, easy interface, and good support. These factors were based on customer feedback, market analysis and on other knowledge. Better implies improvements in reliability, maintainability and long-lived or highly distinguished user functionality.

    3. New revenue through new products, customers and channels.

    We can help you not only in developing the product but also in creating new revenues from it by:

    a. New product sales in established markets and to established customers through our well-establish network of distribution. 

    b. New market segments and customers. Minor changes to the product might make a new product which has other target audiences.

    c. Enhancements or extensions to established products to attract new customers or new sales to established customers

    d. Marketing opportunities with new or established partners.

    4. Improved customer service.

    We can do direct customer support, bug-fixes or porting to new devices. This is essential in this fast growing and evolving market. 

    5. Increased brand value and reputation.

    Enterprises that make high-quality products can expect improved enterprise reputation and additional brand value. This dimension of value is often overlooked or analyzed incompletely. The brand value appeal and timing will differ with the type of investments. 


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